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Jun 13, 2020 · Counting Cars. Thanks to Ranstad, Frontiera found his way to Count’s Kustoms, which in turn led him to reality television appearances in the show “Counting Cars”. The show is the third spin-off of “Pawn Stars”, and is filmed in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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Counting Cars Las Vegas legend Danny 'The Count' Koker acquires, restores and customises classic cars and motorcycles - and then 'flips' them for a profit. Watch now

View More Cars on Instagram on your Smartphone "@countskustoms" 1680x1050 1024x768. 1680x1050 1024x768. 1680x1050 1024x768 . Tweets by @CountsKustoms; COUNT'S KUSTOMS Dec 06, 2019 · “Counting Cars” TV show “Counting Cars” is a reality TV series produced by Leftfield Pictures and is a spin-off from “Pawn Stars” TV show – the show follows regular working days at the Count’s Kustoms car customization and restoration company, which is owned by Danny Koker who was also a cast member in the “Pawn Stars” TV show, and the one who filed a lawsuit against Joseph. Jul 17, 2019 · Counting Cars started as a spinoff of Pawn Stars, then went on to become a sensation all on its own. The History Channel program, which consistently earns high ratings, focuses on Count's Kustoms, a Las Vegas shop owned by Danny Koker, that deals with restoration and customization of classic automobiles. As another Pawn Stars spin-off, Counting Cars could have been a one season and done show. But, by the grace of the reality TV gods, it soldiered on and in June 2020, Season 9 premiered. There have been some changes throughout the years, however, including getting to know and then losing Roli Szabo when he left the show. Danny Koker loves finding, fixing, and flipping classic cars. He’s turned his passion into a business, and we can’t stop watching the crazy creations the Count comes up with on HISTORY®’s Counting Cars. Show off your passion for cars, restoration, and the Count with Counting Cars merchandise. From t-shirts to drinkware

View More Cars on Instagram on your Smartphone "@countskustoms" 1680x1050 1024x768. 1680x1050 1024x768. 1680x1050 1024x768 . Tweets by @CountsKustoms; COUNT'S KUSTOMS Dec 06, 2019 · “Counting Cars” TV show “Counting Cars” is a reality TV series produced by Leftfield Pictures and is a spin-off from “Pawn Stars” TV show – the show follows regular working days at the Count’s Kustoms car customization and restoration company, which is owned by Danny Koker who was also a cast member in the “Pawn Stars” TV show, and the one who filed a lawsuit against Joseph. Jul 17, 2019 · Counting Cars started as a spinoff of Pawn Stars, then went on to become a sensation all on its own. The History Channel program, which consistently earns high ratings, focuses on Count's Kustoms, a Las Vegas shop owned by Danny Koker, that deals with restoration and customization of classic automobiles. As another Pawn Stars spin-off, Counting Cars could have been a one season and done show. But, by the grace of the reality TV gods, it soldiered on and in June 2020, Season 9 premiered. There have been some changes throughout the years, however, including getting to know and then losing Roli Szabo when he left the show. Danny Koker loves finding, fixing, and flipping classic cars. He’s turned his passion into a business, and we can’t stop watching the crazy creations the Count comes up with on HISTORY®’s Counting Cars. Show off your passion for cars, restoration, and the Count with Counting Cars merchandise. From t-shirts to drinkware Counting Cars is an American reality-television series, shown on History, and produced by Leftfield Pictures. The series is the third spinoff of the TV series Pawn Stars, following American Restoration and Cajun Pawn Stars. Aug 11, 2019 · Published on Aug 11, 2019 Danny Koker, aka The Count, rose to fame for his huge collection of antique cars and motorcycles. Raised in Cleveland and Detroit, the star of Counting Cars taught himself

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